Much like the earliest forms of photography, this painting is rendered predominantly in monochrome—a deliberate choice that evokes the distant past of humanity, a time when existence was perceived in stark contrasts, defined by shadow and light.
Yet, within this restrained palette, yellow emerges as a profound symbol of the human soul—a radiant force that transcends time. At the head of the composition lies a sphere, divided into darkness and light, representing the dual nature of our being. It is the mind, the consciousness—the guiding force behind our lives, shaping the choices we make, both positive and negative.
This concept echoes the philosophy of Yin and Yang—two opposing yet interconnected forces, essential to balance and harmony. Light and dark, masculine and feminine, passive and active—each dependent on the other, inseparable in their coexistence. It speaks to the essence of humanity, untethered from any religious doctrine, yet deeply reflective of our shared existence.
In the background, a pyramid-like form emerges—another nod to our ancient origins. It evokes the mysteries of Egypt, a civilization believed by some to have possessed knowledge beyond our modern understanding. This ties into the artist’s overarching theme: Who are we? Where do we come from? Where are we going?
Perched on the figure’s arm, a blue Egyptian falcon reinforces this connection. This is Horus, the celestial deity whose eyes represent the sun and moon—power and essence, healing and restoration. Once again, the balance of opposing forces is present, mirroring the eternal dance of Yin and Yang.
And in a final, intimate touch, this painting bears actual handprints—transforming it into something more than just an image. In a way, it becomes a portrait—a direct imprint of a person, a tangible mark of human presence, forever captured on canvas.
While this is the artists vision, every viewer brings their own thoughts, emotions, and experiences, seeing something entirely unique within the canvas. I invite you to explore inward, and reflect on what this painting makes you feel. What it evokes in you is just as meaningful as its original intent. And that, perhaps more than anything, is the true beauty of the work.
Oil On Canvas
30 x 40 in
Completed May 30, 2020
Part of THE HUMAN EXPERIENCE collection